The Importance of Holding Team Building Days Every Year

If you haven’t been having open team building days at least once every year for your business, then you have been missing out on a lot and it is time you considered having these exciting and fun filled day. An open day should not be viewed as just another small team building chance by the company. It does much more than enhancing the cohesiveness of the team. Here are some of the importance and why you should consider implementing these annually into your calendar:

It gives every team a fresh start

Depending on the activities scheduled for the open day, every team is bound to have a fresh start. The playing field is leveled and all the teams start the competition on an open slate. It could sound literal, but the mentality of getting all the teams on the same arena for a fun competition is not just therapeutic, but will also translate into more productivity when you go back to the office.

The players (employees) and the fans (customers) all hope to win

Open days bring the employees and customers they work with together.  It is a great chance for them to foster better relationships as they both compete to win. The team spirit nurtured on both sides is great for the continued relationship between the employees and the customers.

It is a time to reboot the business

Open days also present a perfect opportunity to reboot the business, make changes, start afresh, and allow the newcomers and the veterans to interact with each other. It is one of the activities for the business where the levels of engagement will be at an all-time high and it is a great time for every employee to get excited about their team. It gives everybody a chance to focus on the upcoming year and to have a renewed determination to give their very best.