Talent Tipping Points Every Recruiting Agency Must Always Have In Mind – Manufacturing Personnel Agency

Talent tipping points will always vary from one organization to another. It simply refers to the number of connections an organization ought to reach to the point where they have all the messages necessary to fulfill all their future hiring needs. It calls for a formal method via an organized talent network that will be developed over time, and which will ultimately make the hiring process less hectic, more efficient and thus, less time consuming.

It may also feature social media connections through platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. The talent tipping points should be searchable so that they simplify data segmentation and succeed in matching jobs, content and the right messaging. Here is a brief look at some of the data points every manufacturing personnel agency should always keep in mind:

Present employees – internal mobility and promotion is always the number one source to find the right talent for open positions. With the data obtained by the agency about every employee, it becomes easy to evaluate their skills and match them to those needed for the open positions, and this comes with a lot of benefits both to the employer and the employee.

Social referral data – with social referral data, any manufacturing recruitment agency in Montreal can easily match up employees present on social media platforms with new opportunities. With the data available through Facebook friends and LinkedIn connections, there is always a huge potential for matching the right candidates with the right opportunities.

Previous applicants – the data for previous applicants should never be discarded but rather, they should be organized in a way that enables information about the unsuccessful applicants to be easily searched, retrieved and matched to the open positions. With this data, recruitment agencies will always have access to a large pool of qualified people; some having met the required qualifications, while other candidates may have already been interviewed.