
Recruitment Lessons to Learn From Top Players in Your Industry

If you are in need of inspiration to streamline your hiring process so that you can get the kind of talent some of your competitors have, then you can borrow an idea or two from them. Here are a few lessons you can learn from industry leaders as far as recruiting is concerned:

Build digital employer brand

The days whereby job offer acceptance was the only guarantee you needed to know that the new employee will report to work, are gone. During current times, candidates receive lots of offers, and most of them will not hesitate to turn down an offer, should they feel the company did not communicate effectively during the hiring process, or the company’s values are not aligned with theirs. This calls for a consistent brand message on all career sites, and creating an employer brand that most candidates will find attractive.

They take employee referrals seriously

The top industry players understand that employee referrals are one of the best ways to get good talent, and they have invested in quality employee referral programs. To be like them, you must also enhance your employee referral program, and make it easy for your current staff to share openings on the various online platforms. And while doing so, ensure that all the employee referrals are tagged through your recruiting pipeline.

Their application process is rapid

Talented employees are keen on the fast and efficient hiring process, and this is what your industry leaders know, and they continuously practice. Your job application form should not take more than two minutes to complete. If your application process takes long, you will lose up to 90% of the qualified candidates. You can also make use of Applicant Tracking Software with the ability to allow candidates to send applications using their LinkedIn profiles or CVs. Therefore, check your process to ensure that it is fast and efficient enough.