
Best Recruitment Strategies When Hiring During a Slump

It is not always an easy thing to get the right staff during slump. During such times, there is a need to keep up with the demand, and there are also a good number of people available to take up the position. The problem, however, is that you may not have much time to browse through, and properly validate each application, to identify the right candidates, when you need them as quickly as possible. But, it is entirely possible to qualify the right prospective staff members, during your tougher economic times, and here are some recruitment strategies you can put to use, to make it happen:

Partner with a staffing agency

Partnering with a staffing agency will make the process of acquiring the right employees very easy, if you are faced with a situation whereby you have to hire during a rough patch. Staffing agencies are equipped with lots of industry contacts, and a great pool of candidates, such that all you have to do is give them requirements for the candidates you need, and let them handle the rest. Such a partnership will save you time and effort, and will also increase your chances of assembling the right team.

Recognize the value of temporary workers

You can always benefit from the convenience of temp staff during instances when you need to fill up a position as soon as possible. It is usually a great remedy to unexpected employee departure, temporary leave, or when you want to add more support to your current staff. With them, you may have to be flexible concerning recruitment standards, but you must not lose focus regarding the qualities you need on-board your team.

Leverage social media

Social media is gaining a lot of popularity in terms of recruitment nowadays. Job seekers often revert to it to find various unique openings, without the need to scroll through long job boards. It also makes sense to use it as a recruitment tool, since you are certain that job seekers are already spend a lot of time using social media. Note that it is also important for your organization to maintain a positive and active presence on social media, to entice potential job seekers to fill out an application.